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Village TK-8

61 of Excellence in Education

Village TK-8

61 of Excellence in Education

Principal's Message

Dear Village Parents & Guardians,

As principal of Village School PK-8th, I’m incredibly excited to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year and our wonderful learning community. Whether you are returning to Village or joining us for the first time, we are thrilled to have you as part of our school community. We’re looking forward to partnering with you to ensure all students feel welcomed, connected and part of our Village family. Our dedicated teachers and support staff will inspire, support and empower your child to achieve their best. We are committed to providing our students with exceptional opportunities/experiences both inside and outside the classroom—from rigorous grade level instruction to social emotional learning and after school sports program.

Tuesday, Aug. 20, 2024, is the first day of school. Our school hours are 8:15 a.m. to 2:57 p.m. All students will start school at the same time every day and will be released two
hours early every Wednesday for staff Professional Learning Time (PLT). Early Release Wednesday hours are 8:15 a.m. to 12:57 p.m.

Attendance is extremely important. Instruction begins promptly, so please make sure your child arrives on time and ready to learn. If you have questions, call the front office at (916) 566-1970. Please leave your name, number and message. Our office will reopen on August 5th at 7:45. You can also find information about our school on our website at

We ask that you guide and support your child’s learning by ensuring that they:
  • Attend school daily and arrive on time
  • Complete all homework assignments
  • Read daily to develop a love for reading and to improve literacy skills
  • Share school experiences with you so that you are aware of their school life

We have several family events planned for the school year. Please consider serving on our School Site Council (SSC) and our English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC). If you have questions, please feel free to call the school at (916) 566-1970. You can also visit our school website for information. To stay informed of all that is taking place at Village, please be sure to have an updated cell phone number and email address to receive information via our Aeries Portal/ParentSquare messaging system.
Thank you for entrusting us with your child’s education. Here’s to a successful and rewarding school year ahead!


LaQuita E. Ulrich,
Village School PK-8th
Twin Rivers Unified School District